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TRC Energized by Pelotonia

Aug 14, 2017

TRC has a long history of generously giving time and resources to the community.  On August 5th, TRC riders and volunteers experienced Pelotonia for the first time as a team.  6 riders and 5 volunteers teamed joined the 8,022 riders and 3,000 volunteers on a beautiful and cool summer day.

Cancer is a horrible disease.  Virtually everyone has been impacted by the disease in some manner … either personally or a loved one.  The National Cancer Institute states at an alarming 40% of Americans will be diagnosed with cancer at some point during their lifetimes.  Click here for statistics.


Pelotonia has one goal:  End Cancer.  Every dollar raised goes directly to fight cancer.  If you would like to support the Tech team, please click the link below, which will be open until October 6, 2017.  Over its 9-year history, Pelotonia has raised $146 Million (and counting), and every dollar goes toward one goal:  ending cancer.  Click here to donate.

If you are from central Ohio and you experience Pelotonia first-hand, then you appreciate the energy and teamwork from the event.  If you reside somewhere else around the world, the Columbus Dispatch captures the event’s emotions in words and pictures.  Click here for Columbus Dispatch article.

TRC is already looking forward to Pelotonia 2018!