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Hey, Sarge. I can do that. I learned it at TECH!

That’s what TECH employee, J.D. Persinger, Specialist, Army National Guard, said to his Platoon Sergeant.

J.D. joined TECH in April, 2013 as a member of our maintenance group. In 2017, J.D. was deployed and stationed at Al Asad Airbase in Iraq. As part of the Maintenance team, J.D. and his fellow soldiers had to call the Engineering team frequently to repair the security gates at the six C-RAM sites. What’s a C-RAM? It’s a Counter Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar weapons system that the military uses to detect and shoot-down incoming artillery. The team had a welding trailer, but no one other than J.D. knew how to weld. He told his Sergeant he could teach the team to weld. The Sergeant was hesitant at first, but J.D. convinced him that “I can do that.”

When J.D. shared that story, you could see the pride on his face…pride that he was able to lead his team in a worthy endeavor. Knowing J.D. for the past four years, one was not surprised. You see, that’s the kind of man he is.

J.D. takes pride in all that he does, which includes his work at TECH. In fact, J.D. was so proud of his country, he purchased a U.S. flag and flew it at his Airbase in Iraq in honor of TECH and his hometown of Johnstown, Ohio.

J.D. returned home with his battle-tested flag and wanted to present it as a token of his appreciation to Dan Layne, CEO of TRC, TECH’s parent company. Layne shared, “I am humbled. On behalf of the people of TRC and TECH, it is my distinct honor to receive this flag that courageously flew in support of our troops in Iraq. This flag will be proudly displayed here at TRC headquarters, at the Johnstown TECH Manufacturing facility and also in Johnstown.”

“I want you to know that your TECH family and the greater community both acknowledge and appreciate the sacrifice and service of all men and women of the U.S. armed forces and I would like to thank you personally for presenting this flag and for your service,” stated  Layne.

Returning to TECH after his deployment, J.D. said, without hesitation, the reason he wanted to return to TECH was, “The people.” He said, “TECH helped me a lot when I first started. The way TECH is…you get out of it what you put into it.” Asked what he wants his TECH career path to be, he said, “I want to be running the Maintenance Shop.” J.D., we have no doubt that you will.

Thank you for your service, Specialist Persinger, both to your country and to TECH!

(Left to Right) J.D. Persinger & Dan Layne (TRC CEO)

(Left to Right) Mike Murray (TECH President Americas), Chris Intihar (TRC VP Global Business Development), Donna Vecchiarelli (TECH HR), Cheryl Wampler (TECH HR Manager), J.D Persinger, Dan Layne (TRC CEO) & Nikki Layne (TRC Board Member)

J.D. Persinger