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Megan Trainer – 2018 Recipient of the Linzie Bell Scholarship


Mike Murray, President –TECH Americas, is shown presenting the Linzie Bell Scholarship to Megan Trainer at the May 14 Academic Awards held at the Northridge High School Auditorium. Megan is the daughter of Brad Trainer and Krista Mereand.

The Linzie Bell Scholarship is sponsored by Tech to honor the life and memory of Linzie Bell. Linzie was a Northridge student whose life was cut short by a tragic auto accident. Linzie’s parents both were employed by TECH. “As the entire company felt John and Peggy Bell’s loss, we wanted to do something to honor them and their daughter Linzie,” stated TECH President Mike Murray. Tech management decided to create the Linzie Bell Scholarship awarded to a Northridge High School student who embodied all of Linzie’s zest and zeal for life and learning.

Megan Trainer has been accepted to the University of Cincinnati where she will be studying nursing. Megan’s goal is to obtain her Masters to become a Nurse Practitioner. Megan’s academic and career goals have been important to her as far back as she can remember. Megan states, “I know exactly what I want. I want to go to work every day and connect with and get to know people. I want to figure out their stories and have the knowledge & skills to help where I can.”

Megan has been very active during her high school years. Besides her academic studies, she has participated in a variety of other activities such as volleyball, softball, student leadership, yearbook, Spanish club, 4-H and working outside the home. A quote from a member of the selection committee described Megan this way, “In addition to having a solid number of academic, school activity, work/community, and service examples, her submission also contained an impressive amount of personal reflection, maturity, and humility that made her a standout candidate.”

Megan, on behalf of Tech and all Tech employees, Congratulations and Good Luck with all your future endeavors!